Evolution of EU legislation
Blue: International - Green: European - Yellow: Energy related
- 1957 - Treaty of Rome (creation of the EEC)
- 1972 - Stockholm conference on human environment
- 1972 - Paris summit (EU answer to Stockholm environment)
- 1975 - First EU Waste Frame Directive (WFD)
- 1978 - First Directive on Titanium Dioxide production
- 1981 - Set up of a EU administration for environment (DG environment)
- 1981 - First Seveso Directive
- 1984 - First Waste Shipment Directive (WSD)
- 1985 - First Sewage Sludge Directive
- 1986 - Single EU act (adds environment to the Treaty of Rome)
- 1987 - UNEP Brundtland report
- 1989 - Basel (sustainable development) / Montreal Protocol (freons)
- 1989 - First Directive on Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
- 1989 - Community strategy on waste management
- 1991 - Directive on Hazardous Waste
- 1992 - OESO decision on transboundary movements of waste destined for recovery
- 1993 - The first WSR (Waste Shipment Regulation), based on the Basel Convention and OESO decision
- 1994 - Directive on the Incineration of Hazardous Waste
- 1996 - The Seveso II Directive
- 1997 - Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive (IPPC), which precedes the IED
- 1999 - Landfill Directive
- 2000 - Waste Incineration Directive (WID) - repealed former directives on the incineration of hazardous waste (Directive 94/67/EC) and household waste (Directives 89/369/EEC and 89/429/EEC)
- 2000 - LoW (List of Waste) Decision (= EWC, European Waste Codes)
- 2003 - Decision on Waste Acceptance Criteria for Landfill
- 2003 - Emission Trading System Directive (ETS)
- 2003 - Stockholm Convention (POP regulation on Persistent Organic Pollutants)
- 2004 - Rotterdam Convention (on hazardous chemicals and pesticides)
- 2005 - Kyoto Convention (international convention on climate)
- 2006 - New Waste Shipment Regulation (WSR)
- 2007 - First BREF on waste incineration & treatment
- 2008 - REACH regulation (Identification of properties through Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of CHemicals)
- 2008 - Revision of the WFD
- 2009 - CLP regulation (Classifying, Labelling, Packaging)
- 2009 - Lisbon Treaty (EU) on climate change
- 2009 - First RED (Renewable Energy Directive)
- 2009 - First ESD (Effort Sharing Decision)
- 2010 - IED (Industrial Emission Directive)
- 2012 - Seveso III
- 2013 - Minamata Convention (on mercury)
- 2018 - Revision of the WFD (CE package)
- 2018 - Revision of the BREF waste treatment
- 2018 - First ESR regulation (Effort Sharing Regulation)
- 2018 - Revision of the RED (Renewable Energy Directive)
- 2019 - New BREF waste incineration (revision)