Structure & Governance
The European Union for Responsible Incineration and Treatment of Special Wastes (Eurits) is an International Not-for-Profit organisation (IVZW) under Belgian law.
Eurits has a number of groups:
General Assembly:
The Assemblies are held annually to enable members to talk about the governance of Eurits over one or two days. Each company can send as many representatives as they wish.
Executive Committee:
This is made up of the officers of Eurits and makes the day-to-day decisions on how Eurits operates and acts.
Working Group:
This group discusses Eurits policies, and has one representative for each paying member.
Communications Group:
This is made up of communications specialists from the member companies and advises the other parts of Eurits of how best to get its messages across.
Technical Group:
This group meets two to three times a year and gives members the opportunity to share their experience on specific aspects of their plant operations. Anyone is welcome to join these technical groups.
Hazardous Waste Symposium:
This takes place every 18 months for two days and is built around a specific topic. For example, in 2006, the issue chosen was 'The end of the landfilling of hazardous waste with a high organic content and the future of incineration'. Presentations are given on related topics and a there is a site visit organised to one of the member's plants.